The Lost Parables

Jun 23, 2024    Adam Brock

Pastor Adam explores the theme of lostness and being found through Jesus's parables in Luke 15: the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Prodigal Son. It emphasizes the pain of being lost and the joy of being found, showing God's yearning for every lost soul to return to Him. The message invites us to understand our own lost condition without Christ and embrace the rescue mission of God's saving grace. It challenges us to view repentance not as a burdensome act but as a pathway to joy and celebration. Pastor Adam also calls the church to share the gospel with every generation, emphasizing the importance of demonstrating to our families and communities that our brokenness attracts Christ's saving power, not repels it. We are encouraged to take active steps in faith, sharing the message that forgiveness and new life are available to all who trust in Jesus.