Parable of the Unmerciful Servant

Jul 7, 2024    Adam Brock

Today's sermon, based on Matthew 18, discusses the endless bounds of forgiveness. Pastor Adam recounts the story of Terry Anderson, who was held hostage for seven years yet found the strength to forgive his captors, aligns with Jesus' call to love and pray for our enemies. Jesus' response to Peter's question of forgiveness—"not seven times but 77 times"—emphasizes forgiveness's limitlessness. Through the parable of the unmerciful servant, we're taught two lessons: in Christ, we've received extravagant grace, and as Christians, we're called to extend that same grace. Pastor Adam challenges believers to forgive as a reflection of the transformative forgiveness they've received, rooted in God's character and exemplified by Jesus. Forgiveness isn't easy or natural, but it’s a vital demonstration of our faith in Christ, who forgave us first.